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Sisu Adult Growth

Services for Individuals with Disabilites

Image by Denisse Leon

About Us

Welcome to Sisu Adult Growth. Sisu Adult Growth is a 501(c)3 organization based on the values of equality, diversity, and continual human growth. We believe that all people are meant to reach their fullest potential and that individuals with disabilities are no exception. Our services are centered around assuring our clients become active and valued members of their community. While helping clients get involved in their community, Sisu Adult Growth also keeps in mind each individuals needs, preferences, and interests to ensure they are receiving the supports they need. 

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Mission & Vision

Mission: Sisu’s mission is to provide day services* to adults with disabilities in underserved areas and regardless of their financial circumstances.

*Day Services: includes daytime supervision and support to develop and maintain self-help skills, community living skills, social skills, and communication skills. 

Vision: Sisu Adult Growth wants to ensure people with disabilities in underserved areas around the country have quality options for their services, and can access those services regardless of their financial circumstances.   

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What We Offer

We currently offer One-On-One Skills Training Services, Day Programming Services, Job Development and Job Coaching Services, Respite, and Support Living with Natural Supports. We will be updating the website as our services grow. Check out our Services page to learn more about each service. 


We do have an acceptance application for all of our services, that must be filled out in order for us to determine if Sisu Adult Growth will be a good fit for the client. We want to make sure that every client we accept can be served properly, so please go to our Services page and click on the link in the desired service to fill out an application.

Our Name

Sisu (see-soo) : a Finnish concept that describes determination, tenacity of purpose, grit, bravery, resilience, and growth within adversity and is held by Finns themselves to express their national character. Here at Sisu Adult Growth we believe that every individual with a disability has the capacity to encompass Sisu. We encourage our clients to push themselves out of their comfort zone so that they can continue to grow and learn new skills and preferences.

Our Logo

Why the cactus? The cactus is a plant that can grow within the harshest conditions. Even though it may be extremely dry, insanely hot, or devastatingly cold, the cactus flourishes. We work on inspiring our clients to be like the cactus. Even when our environment is difficult to be in, we can all flourish and become the best versions of ourselves. 

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